M.F.A. Studio Arts - Towson University, Towson, MD
B.A., Art & Design, Painting & Drawing track - Summa Cum Laude - Towson University, Towson, MD
D.E.U.G. Math & Physics - Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Faculté des Sciences de Brest, France
D.U.T. Business - Université de Champagne Ardennes, Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Troyes,
2014, 2015, 2016 - Breaking Criminal Traditions, traveling exhibit curated by Chuck Gniech
- The Human Right Institute Gallery of Kean University - Union, NJ
- Schoenherr Gallery of North Central College - Naperville, IL
- Bridgeport Art Center - Chicago, IL
- Beverly Art Center - Chicago, IL
- The Art Center - Highland Park, IL
2015 - Points of Departure, New Mexico State University Art Gallery - Las Cruces, NM
2015 - Exchange, University of Dundee - Dundee, Scotland
2015 - Immortality & Vulnerability, Zhou B. Art Center - Chicago, IL - curated by Sergio Gomez
2015 - Project Plase - Baltimore, MD
2014 - Young Blood, Maryland Art Place - Baltimore, MD - curated by MAP's Program Advisory Committee Brian Young, Fine Art curator at University of Maryland University College, Amy Eva Raehse, Director of Goya Contemporary, Cara Ober, Founder of BMore Art, Amy Royce, MAP's director and Paul Shortt, Program Assistant
2014 - Fiber Options, Maryland Federation of Art - Annapols, MD - juried by Aaron McIntosh
2014 - Femmes - Silber Gallery, Goucher College - Towson, MD
2014 - A Cause for Optimism - York Arts - York, PA
2014 - Argument from Silence - MFA Thesis Show, Holtzman Art Gallery - Towson University, Towson, MD
2014 - Small Works / Big Ideas - Rouse Company Foundation Gallery, Howard Community College - Laurel, MD 2014 - National Wet Paint MFA Biennial Exhibition 2014 - Zhou B. Art Center - Chicago, IL
2013 - Under $500 - Maryland Art Place - Baltimore, MD
2013 - (Inter) Connection - WoCA Projects - Fort Worth, TX - juried by Lilia Kudelia, Adjunct Curator at Dallas
Contemporary, TX
2013 - Firsthand - Horowitz Center, Rouse Company Foundation Gallery, Howard County Community College - Columbia, MD - curated by Dr. Susan Isaacs
2013 - Fabrication - Gallery 788 - Baltimore, MD
2013 - * 2 person show, UnHeard - Pinebox Art Center - Baltimore, MD
2013 - Topics - Gallery 788 - Baltimore, MD
2013 - Codicology - University of North Carolina Wilmington - Wilmington, NC
2012 - MFA Open Studios - Towson University - Towson, MD
2012 - 31st Annual Montpelier Invitational Sculpture Exhibition - Montpelier Art Center - Laurel, MD
2011 - MFA Open Studios - University of Maryland - College Park, MD
2011 - Prologue -Herman Maril Gallery - University of Maryland - College Park, MD
2011 - Launch Pad - SkyLofts Gallery - Baltimore, MD
2011 - Grub Street 2011 - Storage Space Gallery - Towson University, MD
2011 - Senior Show - Holtzman Gallery, Towson University - Towson, MD
2011 - Emerging Visions Juried Exhibition - YorkArts - York, PA
2010 - Open Studio: Advanced Painting Student Show - Storage Space Gallery - Towson University, MD
2010 - Annual Student Juried Exhibition - Holtzman Art Gallery - Towson University, Towson, MD - juried by Cathy Byrd, Executive Director of Maryland Art Place (MAP)
2010 - * Solo Show, Words Unspoken - Storage Space Gallery - Towson University, Towson, MD
2008 - Annual Student Juried Exhibition - Holtzman Art Gallery - Towson University, Towson, MD
2008 - Gunpowder Plein Air Competition - Diddywopps & Keeffers Gallery - Monkton, MD
2014 - Commission for CyberPoint International's Inaugural Women in Cyber Security event, selected by Maryland Art Place and CyberPoint
2014 - Merit Award - Fiber Options - Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD, juried by Aaron McIntosh
2014 - Excellence Award - National Wet Paint MFA Biennial Exhibition 2014 - Zhou B. Art Center -
Chicago, IL
2013 - Graduate Studies Association Award - Towson University, Towson, MD
2013 - Terminal Degree Fellowship recipient - Towson University, Towson, MD
2012 - Graduate Assistantship - Towson University, Towson, MD
2012 - Teaching Assistantship - Towson University, Towson, MD
2011 / 2012 - Teaching Assistantship, Introduction to Art Theory - University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Fall 2008 to Spring 2010 - Dean’s List
2011 - Best in Show, Emerging Visions Juried Exhibition - York Arts - York, PA
2015 - The Art of Influence: Breaking Criminal Traditions - http://www.breakingcriminaltraditions.com/bctartists.html
2014 - Baltimore Artist, Claire Girodie, Selected to Create New Work for Inaugural Women in Cyber Security Event, October 23, 2014
2014 - Alumni win Fibers Awards!, Towson University Painting, Drawing and Printmaking blog, August 13, 2014
2014 - Alumni MFA Shows: Claire Girodie ('11), Towson University Painting, Drawing and Printmaking blog, August 13, 2014, http://tupdp.blogspot.com/2014/05/alumni-mfa-shows-part-iii-claire-girodie.html
2014 - Making Sense of Daily Life: Materials vs. Time and Space, Susan Ren, BmoreArt, August 4, 2014, http://bmoreart.com/2014/08/making-sense-of-daily-life-materials-vs-time-and-space.html
2014 - Femme, exhibition catalog, Silber Gallery, Goucher College, Towson, MD, February, 2014
2014 - Scenes on Display, The Towerlight, February 10, 2014, p.3, p.20
2014 - We saw this, so should you: Femme and Joe Hyde's Certain Trees at Goucher College, Joan Cox,
BmoreArt, February 21, 2014, http://bmoreart.com/2014/02/we-saw-this-so-should-you-femme-and-joe-
2014 - MFA candidate wins national art competition, sells work, captures attention of renowned curator, Sedonia
Martin, Towson University News, February 13, 2014, http://tunews.towson.edu/2014/02/13/mfa-candidate- wins-national-art-competition-sells-work-captures-attention-of-renowned-curator/
2013 - The Drawing Zoo, Aaron Henkin, The Signal, NPR, November 22, 2013,
www.programs.wypr.org/ podcast/112213-drawing-zoo
2013 - Columbia showcase for Towson University art students, Mike Giuliano, Towson Times, Volume 40, Number 17, October 16, 2013, p.12
2012 - Montpelier sculpture show knows no boundaries, Mike Giuliano, The Baltimore Sun, July 26, 2012
2011 - 2012 - Paintings featured on Towson University website, www.towson.edu/art/portfolio/studentwork/painting
2011 - Launch Pad at SkyLofts Gallery, MatthewSaindon.worldpress.com
2011 - Launch Pad opens May 12, bmoreart.blogspot.com
2011 - Grub Street magazine, Towson University Literary Magazine
2010 - drawings cited in the 2010 Joint Annual Conference of SECAC, the Southeastern College Art Conference -
Drawings: Beyond Formal Approaches, by Amanda Burnham
2009 - Grub Street magazine, Towson University Literary Magazine, p.61
2008 - Grub Street magazine, Towson University Literary Magazine, p.68
© Claire Girodie - cgirodie@gmail.com - clairegirodie.com